Antony Blinken is Responsible for the Destruction of Ukraine
One man’s miscalculation caused a tragic war destroying a country and extinguishing the lives of thousands of young soldiers.
The United States will fund and support the war until there are no longer Ukrainian men willing to die.
The Washington Post said, The Ukraine war is Antony Blinken’s defining moment.
I agree.
It was his total, abject failure in every sense. A catastrophic failure in judgment.
Realistic Speculation
I don’t know this to be true, but the following seems very likely to be the case.
In early 2022, Antony Blinken had a meeting with Joe Biden to discuss escalating tensions between NATO and Russia over NATO’s desire to further encroach on Russia’s borders by granting Ukraine NATO membership.
Joe Biden would have asked Antony Blinken what he believed would happen if NATO pressed forward with its plans.
Would Russia allow this to happen, or would they invade Ukraine as Russian News said they would?
Antony Blinken reviewed all available intelligence reports, considered the options and consequences, and concluded Russia would not invade Ukraine.
This is the fuck up that defines his career.
He communicated this to Biden who then approved the activities that resulted in Russia invading Ukraine.
At every point in the process, Russia openly stated their intentions, and the entire Intelligence apparatus of NATO and the US thought he was bluffing.
He wasn’t.
The invasion of Ukraine surprised no one who was listening to Russian media.
The only people who were surprised were the fools populating the Intelligence apparatus of NATO and the US.
NATO’s naked aggression
On February 9, 1990, at a meeting with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze, James Baker stated that the United States was striving for a united Germany that would remain “firmly tied to NATO,” promising at the same time “iron guarantees that NATO jurisdiction or forces would not move eastward.”
There have been 6 significant expansions of NATO toward’s Russia’s borders since James Baker’s false assurances.
Western propaganda has offered up many ludicrous justifications for this aggression, but no one denies that it took place.
Enough was Enough
Putin drew the line with Ukraine for two reasons.
First, this was one of a few remaining buffer states between Russia and the NATO aggressors. Putin undoubtedly regrets allowing the Baltic states to touch his border in the 2004 expansion, but at that time, he didn’t yet have the political clout at home to resist.
Second, there are significant Russian speaking populations in eastern Ukraine. Allowing Russians to be subject to NATO rule would be abandoning his own people.
There were other secondary issues of State and projection of power, but the above two reasons were enough for Putin to go to war if NATO pressed forward with its plans.
And what’s worse is that Putin open stated all this publicly for everyone to hear, and no one listened or believed him.
Why Did they Believe Putin was Bluffing?
I wish I had an answer for this one. It’s a shocking miscalculation.
Perhaps western military analysts believe their own myths of our military invincibility.
More likely, they didn’t read The Art of War by Sun Tsu and see the obvious.
No matter the cost, Putin’s back was against the wall, and he didn’t have the option of allowing Ukraine to become part of NATO.
Misunderstanding Putin’s strategy
It’s difficult to discern the truth through the non-stop barrage of western propaganda, but the idea that Putin intended to take Ukraine over and rule it like a conquered province is stupid.
All Western propaganda has evaluated the Russian invasion with this distorted lens and determined that Russia’s invasion was a failure.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Russia does not want to conquer and own Ukraine.
It did that once, and it cost them more than it gained, so in 1992, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became an independent country.
Russia still influenced Ukrainian politics to keep it a compliant vassal state, much like Belarus is today, but Russia no longer had to support the country, so those funds could be used to rebuild Russia.
Putin and the Russians have no desire to start paying Ukraine’s bills again, so the invasion was not about taking the country over.
Putin’s real goals
Putin has several goals for the invasion, all of which he’s accomplished.
Create a humanitarian crisis sending millions of refugees into NATO countries costing NATO billions of dollars. (Ask yourself why Putin did nothing to close the Western Ukrainian border and kept the rail lines functioning. An invading army would have immediately closed the borders.)
Regain ground control of the Russian areas inside Ukraine’s borders, mostly along the eastern edge. (This is the one consistent feature of the ground war.)
Drain NATOs military and financial resources to punish them for their aggression and deter further aggression. (NATO allies have spent over $100 billion and counting.)
Drive up oil prices so that NATO would fund Russia’s war with high-priced oil.
When Putin’s goals are compared to the reality of the last 18 months, it’s clear that Russia and Putin are winning the war.
Putin accomplished all of his objectives.
Further, NATO continues paying for it’s own military operations and Putin’s through ongoing oil sales, so Putin can sustain this operation indefinitely.
Eventually, NATO will run out of Ukrainian men they can send to their deaths against Russian military units.
Since NATO will not commit any soldiers of it’s own, NATO will lose the war, find a face-saving way to declare victory, and the killing will stop.
My intuition says that NATO will declare victory by claiming they thwarted Putin’s ambitions on conquest. This will allow them to maintain the fiction that Putin wanted conquest while simultaneously demonstrating NATO met the conditions for victory.
The lie will be neatly packaged for Western media consumption, and NATO will withdraw it’s forces in victory just like the US did when we lost in Vietnam.
Afterward NATO will spend another fortune rebuilding the country it destroyed by provoking a Russian invasion.
There is one man who clearly understands what’s going on, Noam Chomsky.
Antony Blinken Fucked Up
Joe Biden bears ultimate responsibility because as Harry Truman noted, “The Buck Stops Here.”
However, Antony Blinken was the expert Joe Biden relied on to make this decision, and his failure of judgment is directly responsible for Billions of wasted dollars, millions of displaced Ukrainians, and thousands of deaths.
Anthony Blinken,
You have blood on your hands.
Resign in disgrace.
A note to the comment trolls
Please avail yourself of this opportunity to demonstrate your cluelessness.
Please correct all of my misconceptions and put me back on the path to whatever positive result you believe this ongoing war is going to bring about.
I will find your unhinged rants amusing.
By all means, please show your ass.