How Fox News Faux Up American Politics
Fox News weaves together right-wing dog whistles into a coherent narrative that aristocrats use to manipulate our political system.
Trigger Warning
If you are triggered by emotionally laden words, particularly of the four-letter variety, I am warning you right now, you will read a lot of them.
Don’t read on.
You have been warned.
Do NOT read this.
Your trigger will go wild.
The real purpose of Fox News
Rupert Murdoch launched Fox News to get rich. I liked and respected him when he had my back, but now, I think he’s a piece of shit, so I don’t mind exposing his shenanigans.
Payback is a bitch.
Cory Doctorow noted that Every billionaire is a factory for producing policy failures. Their policies are only failures for the working class plebes.
Billionaire’s policies are wonderful for the aristocracy.
Their method for implementing their self-serving policies is twofold.
First, they pay to get compliant politicians elected, like Ron Johnson in Wisconsin who was bribed supported by Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein, or J.D. Vance in Ohio who was bribed bankrolled by Peter Thiel.
Second, to quote Steve Bannon, they flood the zone with shit using Fox News as their diarrhea flow zone.
(Steve, you’re brilliant! Miss you, buddy.)
Since Fox News viewers are primed to believe any bullshit spewed on the network, any lie, no matter how outlandish is given serious consideration.
How else can anyone explain Donald Trump’s success?
With Citizens United, they don’t even need to reveal their identities thanks to the dark money back doors.
Our democracy, what’s left of it, is for sale.
American Aristocrats already purchased the rest.
Wayne LaPierre Shows the Way
Wayne LaPierre pioneered the modern art of manipulation and persuasion for personal gain.
If you don’t know Wayne LaPierre, he is the asshole who runs the National Rifle Association.
I admire his cold indifference to suffering from gun victims. Pure evil.
He would give bazookas to babies if he could. It’s profitable.
Toddlers with Rocket Launchers
Utopia, as envisioned by the National Rifle Association
Giants that follow include Roger Ailes (Fox), and of course, Donald Trump (Fox+US).
Actually, the practice goes back to antiquity, but those are some current Dark Art Masters.
And true Masters like them need no consultants to advise them on how to pull it off.
Wayne LaPierre didn’t poll others when he pondered, “What image can I use to create the most fear in people so that they will give me money?”
His brain comes back with “Gangbangers.”
It taps into fear for personal safety, prejudice, with a self-satisfying hint of moral superiority.
Fucking Genius!
Watch him cast his spell. In the video below, he needs to cast blame on others for his actions.
Observe the mud-on-the-wall approach, casting blame away and hoping it sticks somewhere other than his Heart.
He gives some version of this speech with mass shootings. As those shootings have become more common and more deadly, he’s discovered that he doesn’t need to address them all.
He certainly is well practiced.
Tell me if you hear the even the smallest hint of sincerity when he offers thoughts and prayers. (Hint: Thoughts of his bank account, and prayers it keeps getting refilled.)
Listen. Watch. He’s really skilled. I bow to a true Dark Arts master.
Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes recognized Wayne LaPierre’s Genius, and built on it.
Rupert Murdoch recognized Roger Ailes genius and let him run with Fox News.
Rupert and Roger were my mentors.
Roger Ailes recognized how to weave many emotional hooks together into a coherent Narrative, probably with Rupert Murdoch’s guidance as he learned the trade from British tabloids.
Narrative is Power.
That Narrative, that colossal pile of steaming manure, is the Soul of the Modern American Republican party.
That is truly an advancement of the Dark Arts.
I bow in respect to his accomplishment.
BTW, Roger Ailes picks up the Heart Stains from Wayne LaPierre’s work as a bonus, since he stood on the shoulders of a Giant.
Fox News Amoral Conduct
Let’s examine a few randomly selected videos showing how the minions at Fox News pull this off.
Fox News was faced with a huge problem in the wake of the January 6th insurrection.
Their viewers were entirely responsible, egged on by a delusional losing X-president who hoped a coup would make him dictator for life.
In order to accomplish this difficult task, Fox called in their most influential liar, Tucker Carlson (Now sadly discredited. Can you believe what they did to me him?)
This issue was so important that Tucker Carlson went on to create an entire documentary full of bullshit and lies intended to sooth the conscience of anyone in their cadre who felt bad about trying to overthrow our government.
No big deal, right? I think it was great work!
Fox News demonstrates no moral compunctions about smearing dead victims of hate crimes. Anything to diminish the responsibility of the Republican cadre.
Fox News needs to do this in order to make their core viewers, frightened white Americans, feel good about the evil they inflict on minorities and those dreaded “others” and evil-doers who deserve to be killed on the street in cold blood.
In the video below, a Fox News host fears the governor of New York will educate the people of New York on the tools of misinformation Fox News uses to manipulate its viewers — a legitimate concern for Fox News and their ability to keep up the Big Lie.
Fox News viewers don’t need much in the way of facts or reason to believe whatever they hear on the network.
Tommy Tuberville is perhaps the most ignorant senator elected in recent history.
This video proves that. He posits that liberals commit murder by aborting babies after birth. It takes a special kind of stupid to even suggest that.
Fox viewers still love him. They believe liberals are murderers.
How did America get so stupid?
But if they weren’t so stupid, Aristocrats couldn’t get them to turn out and vote for policies that comprehensively screw them.
Aristocrats need ignorance and stupidity to maintain their power.
Fox delivers.
The Soul of the Republican Party
Republicans don’t realize they identify with bullshit fed to them by rich people who benefit from their ignorance.
That’s by design.
Even these frank words won’t penetrate their Spell of Ignorance because it wasn’t broadcast on Fox News.
Do you recognize the Spell of Ignorance?
In case you don’t. Watch the video below.
Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t Afford is pure comic genius!
It perfectly captures the hypnotic trance of Willful Ignorance toward Desire.
It’s a video you can’t watch too many times.
As a bonus, it completely explains everything you need to know about managing Money!
Republicans have been living in that dreamworld since Ronald Reagan.
They had two George Bushes to carry on his legacy, but once Roger Ailes and his minions cast their spell, the Republican party turned to SHIT.
Ever since then, they have increasingly run aground, putting lunatics and crazies INTO POSITIONS OF POWER!!!
That’s how I feel. Isn’t that Jarring?
Sadly, this will come back to bite the aristocrats in the ass when the pitchforks and torches come for them.
Republicans 2024
Republicans must nominate Liz Cheney for President and Adam Kinsinger for VP, or they will lose. Mitt Romney might make a good stand in, but he already lost once.
Unfortunately, with the party in shambles and controlled by idiots, none of the able candidates want to try.
After all, they see the same mess, so they are all positioning for 2028 hoping to be recognized for who they are.
Unfortunately, they are the only three with Character and Honor I see.
Liz Cheney for President and Adam Kinsinger for VP is the party’s ticket in 2028.
But they might try in 2024, if enough Republicans beg them.
They have Courage, and going down in a catastrophic loss in an attempt to save the Party’s soul might be a sacrifice they are willing to make.
After all, they did it once already.
Republicans in 2024 may end up with Donald Trump by default. The entire list of alternate candidates is a who’s who of losers.
Chris Christie wants to set the record on the most failed attempts to obtain the nomination. Nobody wants him, but he doesn’t want to get the memo.
Ron DeSantis proved to the country how implementing Republican policies ruins a State economy. Imagine what that level of incompetence would do to America. Yikes! He comes across as phony, which he is.
Nikki Haley isn’t a strong enough woman to take the stage with Donald Trump. He would crush her and make her look weak, which she is.
Mike Pence is so lacking in Courage that he refused to do the right thing until the last possible minute. Loser. He already dropped out.
Tim Scott was the only candidate with the Courage to be himself. Unfortunately, nobody in the Republican Party wants a black man to hold office, particularly after 8 years of stoking prejudice when Obama was in office. He dropped out.
Ted Cruz personifies horse’s ass. He dropped out waiting for 2028 to try again. He would be America’s worst nightmare. Super smart, and no morals.
If you want to put someone in charge who makes the FINAL decision about matters of State, which is preferred?
A lunatic from the Asylum with zero Moral Compass a Desire for Fame, Power, and Glory at the expense of every other priority.
A Seasoned Statesmen with deep understanding of Building Communities, Sharing Talents, Embodying Kindness and managing a complex Government Operation.
Before you rush to judgment, since the answer seems so obvious, pause and reflect further.
The consequence of selecting #1 leads to no outcome that turns out well for anyone but #1.
The consequence of selecting #2 is the Soul of our Country would be Guided Passionately with the Courage to Lead, the Wisdom to Accept Consequences like a Leader, and Return only Love to the Community.
Now you have enough information to make a carefully measured decision.
Do you see how easy that was?
My Guess, just an Intuition, which is finely tuned, I believe you will select the Superior Outcome.
Remember, It’s always your choice.
Unfortunately, the only good candidate isn’t running.
Nonsense is the Privilege of the Aristocracy.
Sieg Heil,
Phukher Tarlson.