The NRA is the Embodiment of Evil in America Today
How to completely and utterly destroy the NRA and stop gun violence in America.
Trigger Warning
If you are triggered by emotionally laden words, I am warning you right now, you will read a lot of them.
Don’t read on.
You have been warned.
Do NOT read this.
Your trigger will go wild.
In case you’re curious, or if you feel the need to correct me for using them, I invite you to please FUCK OFF and go away.
Yes, I said FUCK OFF. I will not accept the yoke of your rules.
Further, you are a milquetoast loser who lacks Courage to speak. I hope you will find that and come back.
But for now, I don’t want to provide you the pleasure of reading my work.
And more fundamentally, you simply aren’t ready to hear my words.
Relax now
First, I don’t want you to feel armored up, which you may after that opening blast.
I needed to drive away the reactionaries, the thoughtless toadies who would rather stir the pot than look at what’s inside it.
Second, when you hear emotional words, particularly strongly aggressive ones, don’t make the assumption the rage is driven by anger.
It’s not.
It comes from my Passion.
Anger and Passion are similar feelings in the body, but there is a distinct quality to Passion that Anger lacks:
Passion has a target.
Anger is a bomb with shrapnel randomly hurting everyone it encounters.
With that out of the way, we can move on.
Shaina Noll’s music is so beautiful…
A Change of Heart
I used to support assholes that run the NRA. They consistently drive voters to the polls to vote Republican, so I’m torn about whether or not to take them down.
However, gun violence touches everyone in America, and even behind the walls of my gated community, I can’t escape the evil the NRA inflicts on everyone.
Plus, even my cadre is tired of the NRA.
Besides, even my own cadre wants to see an end to the NRA’s bullshit.
It’s time to do something about this crap.
The NRA is an evil money-making machine led by a Demon
The NRA exists to enrich one man, wayne lapierre. (he doesn’t deserve captial letters.)
He really doesn’t care what the NRA does, or who it does it to as long as the money keeps flowing in.
A bit like Donald Trump.
Let’s take a look at how the sausage is made.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.
I fully support every last word of the second amendment, it’s the Demon and his Spawn that don’t.
Allow me to demonstrate. The text of the Second Amendment is as follows:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
When everyone agreed to this 250 years ago, both left and right came together.
So let’s parse these sections of text one at a time.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
Prior to the Revolutionary war, there was no USA much less a standing army.
The fledgling USA couldn’t afford a standing army, so they assured their citizen army would always have weapons around in case the war of 1812 broke out.
Notice here the specific need, and the specific amendment to address the problem. It works, and even today it works if it were interpreted correctly.
In that context, you now understand what the second amendment really is rather some emotional distortion caused by the Demon’s energy field.
So what is a well regulated Militia?
According to the Demon, that means no regulations on any kind of weapon being owned and used by any citizen.
They would give bazookas to babies if they could. It’s profitable.
Toddlers with Rocket Launchers
Utopia, as envisioned by the National Rifle Association
To me, and I could be wrong, for starters the bare minimum regulation would require government establishment and maintenance of a Militia.
Militias are not private, renegade groups like the Proud Boys (tiny dick boys) who roam around pretending they are Rambo and whack off in the woods a few times a year.
If it’s government regulated, then there should be rules in place including establishing that you meet the minimum standards for participation.
And those rules would go through a public process.
Many people buy a handgun and throw it in the top drawer of their bedside table, just in case, then do nothing to learn how to use it, care for the weapon, clean it, or store it properly.
That’s probably not what the Framers of the Constitution had in mind.
And such a policy would be rife with incidents of home violence, accidental shootings, and an increase in the number of shootings in the public arena.
You don’t have to be Nostradamus to see that.
Phasers Blasting!
In case this point isn’t driven home, let’s do another thought experiment.
Weapons will get even more deadly in the future.
Shortly, it will be possible to incinerate another human being merely by pointing at them and pushing a button.
We already allow AR-15s so they can be deployed mowing down first graders like cutting grass.
Would you want to live in a society with widespread availability of death rays to everyone, regardless of their mental state and training?
Like in Texas.
They aren’t fucking kidding.
You live there if you want, I used to, but I have other preferences now.
So how did we get here?
A Demon cast a spell.
Let me show you how.
Willful Ignorance
Willful Ignorance sounds like pretentious academic talk, but it actually refers to a feeling we can all relate to.
Please watch this short video. You will know everything you need to know about Willful Ignorance.
The more people want things, the more susceptible they are to employ Willful Ignorance to get it.
The Demon wants everyone to forget the first part of the second amendment and cast a blind eye to the problems that causes.
The Willful Ignorance comes from fearful gun owners’ primal desire for safety of self and family, and it gets linked up to gun ownership.
Willful ignorance stoked by good propaganda is what made a Demon rich and caused the deaths of many good people.
How do you feel about that?
Demon Battles
Demon Battles are entertaining, encouraging Virtuous Schadenfreude.
Schadenfreude, means taking delight in another’s Misery. It’s a low-grade version of Cruelty, minus any Intent on your part. It’s unwise to meditate on it.
However, when two Dark Arts Masters clash, one of them is going to Die, which is a plus.
As a society, we want fewer Demons.
So when we watch Demon Battles, we feel Schadenfreude for Dark Arts Masters because no matter who wins, We do too.
Let me share one of these battles with you.
The National Rifle Association
The NRA is the embodiment of Evil in America today.
Sadly, having grown up in a rural area, and being well-trained in gun handling by my Uncle who owns dozens of rifles, I have family who’ve joined this organization (driven by fear), not just my Uncle.
My first cousin lost his life for a mistake with impulse control because a gun was in his environment.
When I see family members under the spell of Demons, It breaks my Heart.
This is how my Heart responds.
Rise Up!
If you want the full emotional impact, pause, and listen to this before your piqued curiosity pulls you back. The timing will feel Right for you.
Calling out Demons
Wayne LaPierre is a Demon. He’s the champion.
Oliver North is a Demon. He’s the challenger.
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble
Please watch this or play it in the background. It will help set the mood.
Susan and Wayne LaPierre. Susan LaPierre is Stained. She enjoyed the ride without asking too many questions. Willful ignorance is a bitch.
Wayne LaPierre
Wayne LaPierre is motivated by Money, Fame, and Power, nothing more. Clear signs of a Demon.
Wayne LaPierre’s Choices.
Wayne LaPierre’s Actions.
Wayne LaPierre Heart and Mind came together to motivate action.
Those Actions resulted in the the United States having nearly 6 times the number of privately owned firearms than any other country on Earth.
And that “1” is India which has more people. When scaled for population, we are by FAR the worlds #1.
That’s a lot of guns, 392,273,257.
What’s worse, these guns are generally sold to men, desperate for a large penis, and a sense of power, so they buy a weapon to cover up the weak hole in their Heart.
Given those circumstances, what do you think would happen?
Let me help.
If you arm a large number of unstable, excitable men, a few of them might blow a circuit and use one of those guns.
We might have a lot of mass shootings?
Does that seem plausible to you?
I think so.
It’s not even that complicated.
It’t gotten so bad, mass shooters are competing with each other to see who can get highest body count.
Demon Craft
Let’s examine his craft.
He pioneered the art of manipulation and persuasion for personal gain. Giants that follow include Roger Ailes (Fox), and of course, Donald Trump (Fox+US).
Actually, the practice goes back to antiquity, but those are some current Dark Art Masters.
And true Masters like them need no consultants to advise them on how to pull it off.
Wayne LaPierre didn’t poll others when he pondered, “What image can I use to create the most fear in people so that they will give me money?”
His brain comes back with “Gangbangers.”
It taps into fear for personal safety, prejudice, with a self-satisfying hint of moral superiority.
Fucking Genius!
Watch him cast his spell. In this video, he needs to cast blame on others for his actions.
Observe the mud-on-the-wall approach, casting blame away and hoping it sticks somewhere other than his Heart.
He gives some version of this speech with mass shootings. As those shootings have become more common and more deadly, he’s discovered that he doesn’t need to address them all.
He couldn’t do daily speeches. But he certainly is well practiced.
Tell me if you hear the even the smallest hint of sincerity when he offers thoughts and prayers.
There is: Thoughts of his bank account, and prayers it keeps getting refilled.
Listen. Watch. He’s really skilled. I bow to a true Dark Arts master.
Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes recognized this Genius, and built on it.
He learned how to weave many of these emotional hooks together into a coherent Narrative.
Narrative is Power.
I’ll show you just how powerful shortly.
That Narrative, that colossal pile of steaming manure, is the Soul of the Modern American Republican party.
That is truly an advancement of the Dark Arts.
I bow in respect to his accomplishment.
BTW, Roger Ailes picks up the Heart Stains from Wayne LaPierre’s work as a bonus, since he stood on the shoulders of a Giant and kept killing at the forefront of American Society.
But back to Wayne.
He obtained the money, fame, fancy cars, wild spending sprees, behavior so egregious, so full of impunity, that it spawned public investigations.
Who knows what other indulgences he keeps secret.
He has a creative mind.
Hold this thought in your Heart: Wayne LaPierre did this.
Wayne LaPierre is responsible.
Wayne LaPierre is the Ringleader, the visionary who took his considerable intellect, a Gift from God, and used it to practice the Dark Arts.
He is a True Demon, wouldn’t you say?
Oliver North
Oliver North practiced his craft in the shadows as most demons do.
He arranged a complex trade where he sold weapons to one evil group to divert resources to another evil group, skimming what he wanted and leaving the rest for Martyr Power.
All this against the explicit instructions of the United States Congress in clear violation of law.
His peak performance displayed in a widely watched television event when he used his Martyr Power from the Narrative he wove about his pure heart helping two forces of Light.
It was a Masterful performance.
That performance pulled is ass out of his legal jam, a miracle considering he was clearly guilty.
It provided him fame, contacts with support demons, and access to additional cash.
It positioned him to challenge another demon in a struggle for power.
I bow to his achievement.
A clear demonstration of the Mastery of the Dark Arts.
The Battlefield
Wayne’s Fiefdom is the National Rifle Association, the NRA.
He is the standing champion defending his castle against all comers.
Oliver North has no continuously feeding money machine, so he plans to move in on Wayne’s turf.
A fierce battle ensues.
Both men are publicly bloodied and suffer damage.
In the end Oliver North goes down to defeat in a knockout from which he’s never recovered, thankfully.
Wayne survived, but his organization is always under investigation, and the State of New York may be able to erase his ass.
Hope it happens.
Doesn’t Oliver North’s Demise and Wayne LePeirre’s Decline make you feel good? That’s the Virtuous Schadenfreude that made no sense to you earlier.
It’s the feeling of poetic justice, when you see a complete dick get what he deserves.
That one is virtuous. An example of Dark turning to Light by Narrative and belief.
Taking Down the NRA
Once a Demon builds a fiefdom, it’s difficult and expensive to build an entire organization to counter-balance.
This acts as a barrier to organized action against them.
The NRA thinks they are invincible, and their moat can’t be crossed.
They are wrong.
I’m going to show you how we parachute into the heart of the citadel and capture the flag with the power of Narrative, and it won’t cost a penny.
Bold claim, right?
Translating the NRA Voter Guide
I will show you, very specifically, how to bring down the NRA.
If you’re feeling good right now, this will bring you ecstasy!
The destruction manual for the organization is published by the organization itself!
That’s handy.
Even better, they meticulously update it, so it’s always current!
Observe carefully the magical power of narrative.
The text below is copied and pasted directly from their Grading System (with deletions).
That gives us shared vocabulary.
The NRA-PVF is non-partisan in issuing its candidate grades and endorsements. Our decisions are not based on a candidate’s party affiliation, but rather on his or her record on Second Amendment issues. The NRA is a single issue organization. The only issues on which we evaluate candidates seeking elected office are gun-related issues.
That clearly limits the collateral damage from this salvo to the Demon and it’s spawn.
Every feeling you are about to experience is aimed directly at them, only at them, and hurts no one else.
That means Passion can run wild! I’m so excited!!!
Here’s where the narrative magic lies.
When you see a grading system of A, B, C, D, F (We ignore E for effort, which is a virtue. Our schools are souless.)
You are trained to think A is good, and F is bad.
That’s buried deep in your mind.
However, that foundation isn’t cast in stone.
In fact, it’s so weak and flimsy that you are about to watch me blow it to smithereens right in front of your eyes.
Carefully note my additional text in the [] brackets. Those are the new interpretations.
The represent the minimal change required (plus a dose of humor to make it tasty), to get the full effect.
Keep in mind, these are men, so the humor is quite crass.
If you read the text, directly from the Organization itself, and use my interpretation rather than the one your mind defaults to, the meaning and the effect entirely changes.
Dark turns to Light.
A+. [A+ Asshole; Master of the Dark Art of Cruelty who has personally sucked Wayne LaPierre’s tiny, limp cock and swallowed the load eagerly begging for more.]
A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.
[Yep, that’s one committed cock-sucker.]
Hall of Fame (with a Texas Special)
Wish you’d gotten it done Beto. Sad Face. Perhaps this will help.
When not stealing from Texans, he sucks Wayne off for fun.
A [A Apprentice Asshole; Master of the Dark Art of Cruelty who has personally sucked Wayne LaPierre’s tiny, limp cock, but they didn’t swallow the load. No quitters allowed.]
Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.
[Come on. Go for it. It’s tiny and soft, how bad could it be.]
Hall of Fame Standout
Incompetence needs a boost. He barely squeaked back in last time. My guess is he swallows before the next election. Loser.
B [B Bastard of Conflict. These dumb fucks can’t make up their mind.]
A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a “B” candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.
[They want to suck Wayne LaPierre’s tiny, limp cock, but they don’t have enough motivation yet.]
Hall of Fame Standout
Go back to football. You’re over your head. Be remembered as a winner.
C [C Clueless. So fucking stupid they don’t even have an opinion.]
Not necessarily a passing grade. A candidate with a mixed record or positions on gun related issues, who may oppose some pro-gun positions or support some restrictive legislation.
[They aren’t sure if they like sucking Wayne LaPierre’s tiny, limp cock, or Oliver North’s tiny, limp cock, which is really, really, really tiny now!]
D [D Dynamite! A Heart-Driven, pillar of strength who probably lives in a district where the Demon holds sway.]
An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation and opposes pro-gun reforms. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.
[Dynamite politicians, the spell of the demon has been drained of all it’s power. You can feel free to join the Fabulous politicians after you feel regret for not following your Heart and sacrificing your career if necessary, like Adam Kinzinger, a True Statesman who put the interests of the Country above his own personal advancement because he felt it in his Heart. That’s a Plug.]
F [F FABULOUS! A rare politician who stands up to Evil. This is who you want to vote for!]
True enemy of gun owners’ rights. A consistent anti-gun candidate who always opposes gun owners’ rights and/or actively leads anti-gun legislative efforts, or sponsors anti-gun legislation.
[I bow to all F FABULOUS politicians for following their Heart!!!]
Dark turns to Light
Did you see how their propaganda now works to destroy them?
Wayne LaPierre’s scam works because his soulless zombie army votes the issue.
You can too.
It’s a Choice.
If you really did this — All of you — The NRA’s power would crumble to dust, Wayne LaPierre would die the cruel and unforgiven death of a fallen Demon, and most importantly of all…
The Heart Stain of Mass Shootings will be wiped from our collective Heart and the killing will STOP.
I don’t know about you, but I want that.
Sieg Heil.
One Person Can Draft an Army
Do you feel helpless and alone? I have an army for you to draft.
Please share this writing with everyone you know whose life has been touched by gun violence.
Invite them to review their Party’s candidate and see if he’s an A+ Asshole down to the C Clueless Fucks and make them tie the two together.
Right now, they are supporting the people who hurt them, hurt their family.
Once they see that, things will escalate.
People are smart, and they have good Hearts.
Trust me, it will work.
Knight of Light (Jedi)
Wayne LaPierre,
I am the Knight for the Light. Armed with Passion, I come for your Soul.
I am not angry. You will feel no anger in what I say.
My heart is Pure and Clean.
You will feel that in my words, and so will everyone else.
This salvo comes from my Heart of Passion, Heart Power aligned to True North. A straight arrow that never waivers.
This is your Karma ripening. I have this salvo for you to absorb.
Please, take this one deep into your Heart and stew on it.
You, Wayne LaPierre, are directly and solely responsible for the deaths of many, many Beautiful Souls.
Good people.
People with heart.
People with families, social circles, friends.
You killed them with a stone-cold Indifference that demonstrates the depth of your poisoned Heart.
You disgust me.
You disgust everyone with a Heart.
Sure, other Demons Envy you, which gives you some support, but by-and-large, nobody who isn’t a total fucking Asshole thinks your cool.
When I think of you, I feel revulsion.
A sickening, dead, empty feeling that matches your soul.
A revulsion so deep, it burns a searing hole in my heart.
I feel Passion arise with the full force the Collective Pain of all the peoples’ lives you destroyed.
You killed Millions! Million! How much pain is that?
Can you feel it all?
Grasp it. It’s Yours.
I don’t want it.
Take the most intense burst of Hate, the hottest, most intense burning heat, hotter than the center of a star and shove that
Let it burn. Like a Ring of Fire.
When you feel that toxic shame start burning your Root, it becomes a 3-foot iron cone with a sharp, pointy tip and huge base, burrowing up your ass, digging deeper and deeper, closing you off from your community.
Everyone either Hates you or worse, completely ignores you, draining all your fame and glory.
The outpouring of Pain from your hapless victims closes your Root permanently.
Next, the Hot Iron Rod of Hate forces its way further up your ass and takes out Eros, and your Will to procreate and build community, not that anyone wants to FUCK YOU and your tiny limp dick anyway.
With a dead Root and no passion, Qi terminates leaving you flaccid and weak (we know you’re there already).
You embody detritus, the decaying ooze left over from your victims pain.
With the loss of community and everyone you loved, your personal Power falls to Zero.
You have no reason to live and no one to share it with.
Life Sucks!
But your suffering isn’t over.
Your Heart will flood with the misery and pain of thousands of lifetimes.
The stain on your Heart won’t kill you yet. It will just leave you in Agony, poisoned by Hate.
Your aching Heart, that last vestige of Humanity desperately searches for light, knowing full well,
Your Heart withers in Agony as it watches the remaining carnage, the last remaining spark of Love leaves you empty and alone.
Your Expression comes next.
With nothing to channel through your Body and Heart, Expression stops.
The throat closes off, and your Adam’s Apple swells to the size of a basketball, choking your Life.
Breathing is painful with your lungs splaying and spreading. Your Breath is short as you can no longer take in the Nourishing Wind of Life.
And it keeps on swelling, like an expanding Universe amping up your Pain.
Life no longer animates the Body.
Finally, the Iron Rod of Hate enters your most sacred Realm, your brain, residence of your mind, generator of the Sacred Field of You.
It takes out your Future Visions and your connection to God at the same time.
But before you go, your future vision remains to Darken your Mind with certainty of a rebirth you really, really, really don’t want.
You will come back as a Veal Calf, raised in Darkness, suspended in air so you feet never feel the Earth, tormented and uncared for,
your flesh served to your descendants for dinner.
You survive only to taste the final bitter torments for WHAT YOU CHOSE!
You chose killing, death, the Dark Side.
Feel that yoke of responsibility.
Don’t turn away from it — unless you wish to choose it again!
You choose it in every moment — over and over again.
You choose Death and Darkness right NOW!
Don’t you?
You could stop all this tomorrow, even right NOW!
Did you think the choosing was over?
You Choose in every moment, of every day, all the time.
You only notice when you change your mind.
I ask you to make a better Choice.
Wayne LaPierre, Burn in the Fire of your Desire for Eternity!
Take that, Motherfucker!!!
Wasn’t that GLORIOUS!!!
I had a good time.
Do you want to know what victory over demons feels like?
You must watch this one. It’s the best. Arnold is the MAN!!!
Open Invitation to Demons,
Believe it or not, that beat down was to help you.
There is a good person,
a small child,
pure and light,
who’s lived inside you for years trapped by a Demon, tortured and tormented.
Demons can be chipped off the Heart, revealing pure light of Love beneath.
You can find Salvation, but you must CHOOSE it.
Nobody can give it to you.
Nobody can force it upon you.
Did you watch the Saprano’s episode when Carmela met with the Rabbi, and he told her she was supported by blood money?
That’s what I did to you.
While that scene is absolutely perfect, the advice is also incomplete. If Wayne doesn’t change, then The Rabbi’s advice stands.
But that isn’t the only thing needed for Redemption.
You will abandon all that blood money and live simply on Social Security, that tiny reservoir of Love we set aside out of respect to our elders for a lifetime of living with Pure Heart.
Notice we don’t compensate for their deeds and accomplishments. It’s merely for being Alive and being Pure, nothing else needed.
You will accept no additional financial support, particularly from any former Demon allies who desperately hope they aren’t next.
You will keep an open Heart and when victims family’s approach you needing release from their pain, you will listen to them, accept responsibility for what Wayne did, and cry with them.
Each tear you shed with a family you and Wayne hurt will wash that stain from your Heart.
Are you acquainted with a Gentleman named Charles “Chuck” Colson?
He is your role model.
After irrefutably proving to himself he was a Demon, he finally made a different choice.
A beautiful Choice.
Penance and Redemption
Chuck Colson knew he hurt a lot of people. He knew he could only try to atone, but he would never get there.
That feeling is Penance.
He could no longer deny his personal responsibility.
He felt his crimes so deeply he felt he could never make up for it.
He devoted himself to accomplishing the task even though he knew he was going to fail.
When all three of those things come together, he achieved the feeling of Penance.
The moment Penance is achieved, the Heart opens to a new feeling, Redemption.
This is not the euphoric “Jesus Saved Me” kind of Salvation. This is a more subtle feeling that accumulates to sustain momentum by rewarding continued progress down the path of Penance.
Penance provides both motivation and a compass to guide your way.
But when the going gets tough, you want to feel a reward for your effort. Your reward is a wonderful feeling called Redemption, it’s the growing hope that you just might get there. It’s a powerful pull.
I hope you discover that like Chuck did.
Kudos to Charles “Chuck” Colson!
Whole and Happy
I want you to be Whole and Happy.
Destroying your evil delusions was a necessary first step.
The Choice is Yours: Light or Dark.
Choose Light! Choose Right!
Choose Light!!! Choose Right!!!
Choose Light!!! Choose Right!!!
The Soul of the Republican Party
Has the realization set in yet that you identify with Demons?
That should be a bit jarring to you, assuming these words penetrated your Spell of Ignorance that prevents you from hearing Truth.
Do you remember that feeling?
In case you forgot. Here. It’s a video you can’t watch too many times.
Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t Afford is pure comic genius! It perfectly captures the hypnotic trance of Willful Ignorance toward Desire.
As a bonus, it completely explains everything you need to know about managing Money!
Let that sink in too.
It’s tasty.
You have been living in that dreamworld since Ronald Reagan. (Both Bush’s were good men with good Hearts too.)
George Bush II was the last Good Heart to control the ship.
Once Roger Ailes and his minions cast their spell, your party turned to SHIT.
Ever since then, you have increasingly run aground, putting lunatics and crazies INTO POSITIONS OF POWER!!!
That’s how I feel. Isn’t that Jarring?
What the fuck happened to America?
~~ hangs head in shame ~~
Nonsense is the Privilege of the Aristocracy.
Sieg Heil,
Phukher Tarlson.