Why Does Phukher Tarlson Curse So Much?
Emotional words have power. If you don’t use them, you are weak.
Dirty Words
If you read some “dirty” words, before you collapse in Righteous disbelief, note that these words carry POWER.
Fuck yeah, they do!
A sudden burst of anger or excitement is aptly captured by that naughty little word.
And everyone gets it.
I can’t destroy the World’s experience to appeal to your tender sensibilities.
Accept it.
Abandon Resistance.
Feel Peace.
It’s a simple, three-step process.
Realize, it’s for your own good. I don’t want to see you remain a weak loser for your entire life. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Trigger Warnings
Out of courtesy to readers not accustomed to my style, I like to offer trigger warnings so that they are not surprised. Like the one below:
Beginning of Trigger Warning
If you are triggered by emotionally laden words, I am warning you right now, you will read a lot of them.
Don’t read on.
You have been warned.
Do NOT read this.
Your trigger will go wild.
Notice you had to scroll before seeing a naughty word.
In case you’re curious, or if you feel the need to correct me for using them, I invite you to please FUCK OFF and go away.
Yes, I said FUCK OFF. I will not accept the yoke of your rules.
Further, you are a milquetoast loser who lacks Courage to speak. I hope you will find that and come back.
But for now, I don’t want to provide you the pleasure of reading my work.
And more fundamentally, you simply aren’t ready to hear my words.
Relax now
First, I don’t want you to feel armored up, which you may after that opening blast.
I needed to drive away the reactionaries, the thoughtless toadies who would rather stir the pot than look at what’s inside it.
Second, when you hear emotional words, particularly strongly aggressive ones, don’t make the assumption the rage is driven by anger.
It’s not.
It comes from my Passion.
Anger and Passion are similar feelings in the body, but there is a distinct quality to Passion that Anger lacks:
Passion has a target.
Anger is a bomb with shrapnel randomly hurting everyone it encounters.
With that out of the way, we can move on.
End of Trigger Warning.
Trigger warnings are important
As a writer, the last thing I want is for someone to fail to hear an important message because they were unexpectedly triggered by words or concepts they were not prepared for.
If I fail to issue trigger warnings, I fail to communicate my message, and the effort to write the piece comes to nothing.
I use trigger warnings to acquire and keep readers.
The bottom line is simple:
Four-Letter words carry power. Use them, and your writing carries power. Don’t use them, and your writing is weak and listless.
Nonsense is the Privilege of the Aristocracy.
Sieg Heil,
Phukher Tarlson.