Darks Arts Mastery: Anger Management
How to develop anger, sustain it, and use it to hurt people.
As a Dark Arts Master, I am pissed off most of the time. Sometimes, I channel this anger into Passion and use it effectively, but most of the time, my anger and rage are unfocused, disturbing my mind.
Much of what I’ve learned about anger I learned from Light Arts Masters. I will quote two of them today, Eckhart Tolle and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Eckhart Tolle’s Pain Body
Most people are anger savants.
Anger comes easily, and meditating on anger is effortless. Once anger takes over, it’s self-sustaining.
Eckhart Tolle identified this phenomenon and gave it a name, the Pain Body.
He found the concept useful because it allows people to disidentify from the pain and facilitates managing pain better.
I embrace it for the same reasons. Once you can identify the phenomenon, you can maximize its effect.
What is Anger?
The following is adapted from How to Solve Our Human Problems by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
Anger is a focused mind that identifies an animate or inanimate object, finds it unattractive, exaggerates its bad qualities, and wishes to harm it.
For example, incels, involuntarily celibate men, are angry at women. They identified the objects of their anger, women who reject them. They find them unattractive, or at least profess to. They exaggerate their bad qualities, mostly imagined. And they want to harm them, often through fantasies of subjugation and even outright violence.
In its milder forms, this anger expresses itself through vile comments on internet forums and the consumption of degrading pornography.
In its destructive forms, it comes out in acts of terrible violence against women.
Anger is Destructive
Darks Arts practice is not for those seeking peace of mind. Anger, Jealousy, and Attachment are all disturbing.
These emotions make everyone afflicted engage in negative actions that lead to untold suffering.
These emotions block any progress on the Light path leading to happiness or peace of mind.
Anger is a painful state of mind.
Anger makes people tense and uncomfortable.
Anger makes it difficult to sleep, and even when sleep comes, it isn’t restful or refreshing.
Anger makes it difficult to enjoy activities, other than cruelty, inflicting pain on others for its own delight.
One of the most harmful effects of anger is its ability to motivate action without deliberation. Angry people often lose their freedom of choice, driven to action without concern for consequence.
Darks Arts masters learn to control their actions when motivated by anger out of necessity to survive.
Anger makes most people wish to retaliate against those perceived to be the cause of harm.
The desire to retaliate often causes people to expose themselves to unnecessary personal danger merely for petty revenge.
When two angry people enter into conflict, both are damaged. Even the victor is often bloodied and weakened.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Anger Destroys Relationships
Dark Arts Masters have no friends. We have acquaintances and servants we use for specific needs, but every interaction is transactional.
If someone can serve us or fulfill a specific need, they are allowed in our presence, but other than that, Dark Arts Masters live alone.
Close relationships often require sacrifice and compromise, alien concepts to Dark Arts Masters.
Whenever we fail, someone else is responsible. Dark Arts Masters live in a state of perpetual victimhood.
Anger transforms people into enemies.
We become angry because the people we encounter fail to submit willingly to our demands.
We portray them as evil people when in reality, they simply fail to do what we want.
Angry people must always be vigilant against potential attacks from rivals. Enemies of our own creation always surround us.
How to Connect with Anger and Hatred
Whereas Light Arts Practitioners abandon anger in favor of personal satisfaction, Dark Arts Masters keep their anger and use it as a power source.
By far, the most effective way to use anger is to forge it into determination.
Anger benefits Dark Arts Masters because it helps set intentions and provides ongoing motivation, particularly if the means or the ends are nefarious.
Light Arts Masters council against using anger due to the disturbing side effects.
Great lessons from Count Dooku.
Even Masters pay the price for failure.
Other Manifestations of Anger
Anger is a root source of power. Many other powerful states of mind, spring from anger, each has its own characteristics, and each is disturbing in its own way.
Anger is like fire. It starts as a spark, and if fed with confirming thoughts, and given enough time, it grows into an inferno.
However, like large fires in nature, it can grow out of control and consume everything and everyone in its path.
Rage is uncontrolled anger.
Dark Arts Masters control fire. They don’t allow it to become rage and lose control.
Light Art Practitioners seek to squelch fire at the initial spark. They abhor and avoid all manifestations of anger, including rage, spite, resentment, aggression, and harmfulness.
They are weaklings.
Resentment is formed when anger is sustained without forgetting it. The end goal is to create the desire to retaliate.
Dark Arts Masters thrive on resentment and grievance.
In my years on Faux News practicing my craft, our goal was to stoke the fire of resentment against Democrats by adding prior slights and grievances.
The retaliation we were after was to induce viewers to vote Republican.
Our entire false narrative was designed to drive Republican voters to the polls to take their revenge on Democrats.
Nothing more.
Well, Rupert Murdock wanted money, I wanted money and fame, and so did my colleagues, but the goal of Faux News was to get Republican voters to the polls.
To that end, we would take an ordinary new story, identify an undesirable item, blame it on Democrats, and then provide as many confirmations from other fabricated stories as possible.
Once viewers bought into the overall narrative, they would already know these confirming lies and readily use them to confirm further our narrative that Demon-crats fuck everything up.
This formula works.
Spite is when anger has hardened into Resentment, and the person wishes to speak harshly.
Faux news hosts must maintain spite at all times. After all, their job is to build a narrative of resentment and then speak harshly about Democrats.
Faux news hosts don’t value peace of mind, and none have it.
They are all spite, all the time.
Aggression is an increase in anger that motivates the desire to harm others either physically or verbally.
The speeches Donald Trump and his sycophants delivered on January 6th were designed to bring out the aggression in the crowd.
Dark Arts Masters use aggression, but they are careful in its application.
Aggression is a precursor to action. When the time is not ripe, aggression leads to undesirable outcomes.
Harmfulness is the mental state that wants to see other beings suffer.
Harmfulness is the opposite of Compassion, a Light Art virtue state where the afflicted do not want to see other beings suffer.
Out of anger, Dark Arts Masters foster harmful intentions. They want to see others suffer, experience problems, or even die.
Harmfulness is a Dark Arts virtue directly opposing Compassion.
The Price Paid for Dark Arts Mastery
Being a Darks Arts Master has downsides.
First, everyone who embraces the Light wishes Dark Arts Masters were dead.
The NRA is the Embodiment of Evil in America Today
Second, while pleasure and bliss are wonderful, true love is impossible.
Dark Arts Masters don’t express themselves through selfless giving, service to others, and sexual union as equals. True Dark Arts Masters don’t desire these things.
Dark Arts Masters believe in selfish taking, enslaving others, and sexual union through coercion, manipulation, and brute force.
Third, as a result, most Dark Arts Masters die an ignominious death, often at the hands of others, or alone and forgotten, having pushed away anyone who might have genuinely cared for them.
We are seduced by power, live by its creed, and die by its cruel hand.
It’s not for everyone, but there is no shortage of people making the attempt.
Dark Arts Lessons from Star Wars
The seduction, life, and inglorious death of Count Dooku.
The evil behind the Star Wars Movies.
Ten Stories of Pure Star Wars Evil.
Nonsense is the Privilege of the Aristocracy.
Sieg Heil,
Phukher Tarlson