The Democratic Party Doesn't Value Democracy
The use of superdelegates undermines the one-person, one-vote foundation of our democracy.
Democracy is overrated. Far better to have the hereditary rule of aristocrats, those born with superior genes, superior intelligence, and large fortunes.
The new American aristocracy took over and now controls our government. They left behind a veneer of democracy to placate the masses, but there is no doubt who is actually in charge—people with money.
How Democrats Aid the Aristocracy
Ironically, the democratic party is supposed to reflect the will of the unwashed masses and the proletariat. Populist movements against the aristocracy generally originate from the political left, at the fringes of the Democratic Party.
Democrats comprehensively failed in their mission since the 1990s, and the working class actually votes Republican! The slaves vote for their masters for the false promise of a few extra crumbs off their master’s table.
Let them eat cake—out of the nearest landfill.
Fortunately, Democratic insiders, aristocrats at heart, manipulate their nominating process to ensure a populist who cares about the people—a candidate like Bernie Sanders—never has a chance to win the nomination.
As Donald Trump proved, the Republican Party is not corrupted enough to prevent a populist candidate from winning the nomination (selfish autocrats are acceptable.) However, Bernie Sanders proved that the Democratic Party is completely insulated from populist revolt.
Superdelegates are the tools Democrats employ to ensure that elite insiders who aren’t accountable to the voters get to make choices.
The voters do not choose the nominee for President from the Democratic Party. They have a sham influence on the process, but between the back-room deals in state caucuses and the heavy hands of superdelegates, party insiders actually select the nominee.
Superdelegates often include current and former elected officials, party leaders, and distinguished party members who have ties to megadonors.
They justify their power grab with flimsy arguments. Their real desire is to wield power.
Party insiders claim they know better—the epitome of elitist bullshit. They alone are capable of determining who is most electable, despite who might actually get more votes.
Superdelegates serve as a buffer against the influence of populist or fringe movements within the party, appealing to a wide range of voters rather than catering exclusively to the base, helping to ensure that the nominee is a mainstream milquetoast sycophant who appeals to no one but offends as few people as possible.
I praise the Democratic party for their arrogant stupidity. Without superdelegates, Bernie Sanders would have been the nominee in 2016, and he excited voters far more than Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders would have won, and the American Aristocracy would have been dealt a huge blow.
Thankfully, that didn’t happen.
Superdelegates undermine Democracy
Superdelegates create an accurate perception of unfairness or a "rigged" system, undermining the principles of a fair and open democratic process.
Superdelegates, who are often party insiders and elected officials, do not reflect the will of the rank-and-file voters. They can potentially override the choices made by regular voters in primaries and the already corrupted caucuses.
Superdelegates make the nomination process more complicated and less transparent for the general public. Superdelegates may pledge their support for a candidate who did not win the popular vote in primaries or caucuses, destroying even the appearance of legitimacy in the process.
Superdelegates allow party elites to exert disproportionate influence over the nomination process, potentially favoring candidates who align with their interests over those preferred by the broader electorate.
Superdelegates contradict the democratic ideals of equal representation and one person, one vote.
1 Citizen = 1 Vote
The situation in the Democratic party will not change unless the lawmakers themselves pass laws to prohibit any behavior that fails to support the one person, one vote principle.
The solution is not complicated. Wise Statesmen can figure out a solution, but since there are none left in government, let me offer an idea.
Any Organized Political Party with enough signatures to get on a ballot must follow the same election rules as those Statewide, in their nominating process.
1 Citizen = 1 Vote
No cheating or loopholes that violate the one, simple rule.
Caucuses, the epitome of a smoky room, are forbidden.
Superdelegates are forbidden.
Winner-takes-all primaries are forbidden.
Anyone could explain this to a five-year-old.
Aristocratic Rule
Realistically, even simple reforms like the above are not likely to happen. In our media environment of unrelenting bullshit and misinformation, and extreme polarization, party insiders feel no pressure to reform.
The system is rigged against any populist uprising preventing reform, thankfully.
The political system, as currently configured, is a boon to aristocratic rule. The only people who can influence elections are the wealthy donors who control the media and support candidates who do their bidding.
Complete buffoons have already taken over the Republican Party because bad government leads to small government, which leads to more aristocratic power.
Corporate Democrats have enough power to prevent any coalitions powerful enough to weaken their influence.
The only real threat would be a viable third-party candidacy.
Hopefully, Donald Trump will win the 2024 election and become dictator for life.
He’s an aristocrat wannabe, so he will serve aristocratic interests as long as he can sustain power.
Along with a Supreme Court staffed with brown-nosers, aristocratic rule can be sustained infinitely.
Long live the American Aristocracy!